The third and final installment of Francine Rivers's Mark of the Lion series was everything I expected and more! It was very, very different from the other two as it was set mostly in barbaric Germania as opposed to the facade of civility of early Rome. As Sure as the Dawn follows the story of former gladiator Atretes through his battle against his bitterness and the pain and anger of his past. This entire series is a definite must-read for any Christian! I have seen faith, and love, and forgiveness, and hunger for the Word in an entirely new and exciting light! Rivers deftly communicates the depth of human depravity juxtaposed agains the absolute faithfulness of God! Truly a powerful and transforming read which I would highly recommend!
As always, a few of my favorite excerpts:
". . . 'What is more beautiful than the innocence of a child?' John said, smiling down at Caleb. 'I remember how children flocked around Jesus as we traveled through townships.' He shook his head. 'At first we'd try to shoo them away, thinking of them as no more than a swarm of pseky flies,' he said with a soft laugh, 'and Jesus would gather them to him and bless them one by one. He told us unless we become like children, we will not enter the kingdom of heaven.'
Rizpah smiled tenderly. 'Humble and helpless.'
'And completely open to the love and truth of God,' John added, smiling. . ."
". . . She looked at John. 'I'm sorry,' she said. 'I always speak before I think better of it.' So many thoughts rushed through her head.
'You're not alone in having a tongue of fire, Rizpah.' His mouth tipped. 'Jesus called me and James Boanerges. Sons of Thunder.'
She laughed. 'You? Well, perhaps there's hope for me after all.'
'You've given your life to CHrist, and rest assured, he will mold and make you into the vessel best designed to his purposes.'
'Yes, but I wish I knew what that purpose was.'
'You do know. God's will isn't hidden away like the myths and philosophies and knowledge of the world. Jesus told us openly and daily what his will for us is. Love one another. Love one another.'
'But how? You can't even imagine the kind of man Atretes is.'
'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. In God we live and move and have our being. In God, we can love one another.' . . ."
". . . 'We're the same way. We're learing to walk with Christ. It's a process, not a finished act. We make a decision for the Lord and are saved, but it doesn't end there. We ahv eto apply ourselves diligently to our own sanctification. What Scripture I know, I'll give to you. You apply God's Word in day-to-day practical living. The truth itself will witness to these people.' . . ."
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