I don't know that I am going to do a full review of each book that I read, but I will at least post my favorite excerpt from each. This book A Voice in the Wind by Francine Rivers is the first book that I have read for my 101 project from my "I Plan To Read" Shelf, and it was absolutely fantastic. A couple of other Shelfari readers have given their comments here, and I have to say that for the most part, I agree with them. The beginning has a lot of historical information that I found fascinating, but I can see how some may have found it difficult to get into. However, if you decide to read this book, and do find that section a bit tedious, be sure to press on because the remainder of the book is SOOOOOOOO worth it!
I have always loved Francine Rivers's work. The first book of hers that I read was Redeeming Love, and this series is every bit as powerful! I have been so inspired by Hadassah's (main character) love for Christ and servant's heart! Here's one of my favorite passages:
". . . He looked at Hadassah sleeping peacefully and knew that if he asked, she would open herself to him. Rather than remain a sealed jar, she sought only to pour herself out to others. Everything she did mirrored her faith. It was as though every waking hour of every day she was devoted to pleasing her god by serving others. This god that she worshipped consumed her. It didn't ask for a brief visit to a temple, or a small votive offering of food or coin, or a few prayers every now and then. This god wanted all of her.
And what did she get from him? What reward had she received for her devotion? SHe was a slave. She had no possessions, no rights, no protection other than what her owners gave her. She couldn't even marry without her master's permission. Her life depended on the goodwill of her owners, for she could be killed for any or no reason at all. She received one small coin a day from his father, and that she frequently gave away.
He remembered the peace on her face as she had stood with her face to the wind. Peace . . . and joy. She was a slave and yet she seemed to possess a sense of freedom he had never felt . . . "